Although gum disease affects more than half of the adult population, those affected often do not know they have the disease because it is usually a painless or silent process. This means that you may have gum disease and not even know it until it’s too late to treat!
Fortunately, with periodontal disease treatment in Jacksonville by periodontists such as Dr. Kuznia and Dr. Storch we are able to successfully manage your periodontitis. Using a small measuring device to gently measure the gums around the teeth along with specialized digital radiography, Dr. Kuznia and Dr. Storch can accurately diagnose periodontal diseases and prescribe to manage your condition. Call today to set up your exam with Dr. Kuznia and Dr. Storch!
More Information
Non-surgical Therapy
The first step for your periodontal disease treatment in Jacksonville is reducing the bacterial load from the mouth. “Scaling and Root Planing” consists of removing hard and soft bacterial deposits from the tooth and root surfaces. Scaling and Root Planing is a deeper type of cleaning in which the hygienist reaches deep into the gingiva to clean deeper deposits of plaque and calculus. In some cases, bacteria attach so firmly to the tooth, your dental professional has to use specialized instruments to remove them. The cleaning is so thorough that it is usually done under the comfort of local anesthesia. Your therapy may also include the use of antibiotics or medicated mouth rinses to further control the periodontal infection. A re-evaluation is done 4 to 6 weeks later by the doctor to assess healing, how the tissue responded, and whether any further treatment is necessary to achieve optimal health.
Dr. Kuznia and Dr. Storch may also identify other factors that contribute to the health of the gums such as smoking and tobacco use, diabetes, stress, certain medications, tooth grinding and clenching, and even poor nutrition. Addressing these factors may have a positive effect on periodontal health.
Dr. Kuznia and Dr. Storch will re-evaluate the gum tissue four to eight weeks after Scaling and Root Planing to assess whether the initial periodontal treatment was sufficient to control your disease, or if further treatment is necessary to stop your bone loss. Many patients do not require and further treatment, only preventive care, or Periodontal Maintenance.
Surgical Therapy
Periodontal disease treatments, or Periodontal Therapy, always begins with a conservative approach. Dr. Kuznia and Dr. Storch will seek surgical care only to those sites where it is absolutely necessary. In periodontal surgery, the gum tissue is carefully folded back to reveal the infected tooth roots and damaged bone. After thorough debridement of the defects, the bone loss is evaluated. The size, shape, and severity of the bone defect determine what treatment is necessary. Either osseous surgery or periodontal regeneration can be utilized, and sometimes a combination of these procedures are used.
In osseous surgery, irregular bone created by periodontitis must be smoothed to allow the gum tissue to adapt better between the teeth, reducing the deep pockets. Osseous recontouring surgery is required to some degree in almost all periodontal surgery. “Traditional” periodontal surgery is performed under local anesthesia and is very safe and successful. Other modern advances such as IV sedation and LANAP Laser Gum Surgery in Jacksonville allow Dr. Kuznia and Dr. Storch to deliver state-of-the-art therapy with minimal discomfort and fast healing.
Laser Periodontal Surgery (LANAP)
Once periodontitis has caused bone loss and pocketing, additional periodontal disease treatments may be necessary to arrest the disease process. Traditionally, periodontal surgery included cutting and sewing the gum tissues, which resulted in significant post-treatment discomfort and longer looking teeth. Now, we have an alternative! Learn more about LANAP Laser Gum Surgery in Jacksonville.
Periodontal Regeneration
In areas where a deep crater is found, bone can often be regenerated. Bone graft material (particulated, disinfected bone prepared by an accredited tissue bank) can be adapted to the defect and allow bone to regrow and reattach to your tooth.
Sometimes an absorbable barrier is placed to help protect the bone graft while it heals. In other situations, Dr. Kuznia and Dr. Storch use biologic growth factors to enhance the body’s natural healing. These grafts will continue growing for six to nine months after the procedure and will eventually be processed into your own bone.
Dr. Kuznia and Dr. Storch will closely monitor you after periodontal therapy. Because bacteria are always present in the mouth, more frequent cleanings (called Periodontal Maintenance) are necessary to maintain your results in a healthy condition.
Periodontal Maintenance
Believe it or not, your therapy doesn't end after surgery. In fact, Periodontal Maintenance in Jacksonville may be the most important of your care! Because bacteria continuously grow in your mouth, they mature into a pathologic biofilm after about 90 days or three months. This is why Dr. Kuznia and Dr. Storch will usually recommend periodontal maintenance four times a year. At each visit, your periodontal condition will be closely monitored and oral hygiene instructions will be reinforced. After all, this is only four times a year; it's the other 360 days we want to be effective!